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 R E C I P E ....

Yum Yum ♪ 

Japanese-style Codfish Cake




White fish (cod fish, tilapia, etc.)   300g (or 11onces)

Sea Salt                                          Pinch

TOFU (firm or medium firm)           1/2

*Egg                                                  1

*Brown Sugar                                   3 Tbsps

*Japanese Cooking SAKE                 1 Tbsp

*Soy Sauce                                        2 tsps

*MISO (=soybean paste)                   2 tsps

*Ginger (grated)                                1 tsp

*Corn Starch (or potato starch)         2 Tbsps

Chopped vegetables                          As you like

(Carot, Green Onion, Green beans, Green Peas, EDAMAME, etc.

whatever you have in the fridge)




1.  Cut the fish into small pieces and put them into a food processor with pinch of salt,

     then mix together for 2 minutes

2.  After microwaved "TOFU" for 2 minutes, squize the TOFU softly in a paper towel

3.  Add the TOFU together with all the ingredients of (*), mix another 1 minute

4.  Take (3) out to a bowl, and add chopped veggies whatever you like

5.  In a medium deep pan, heat 4cm high (or 1.5 inches high) cooking oil

6.  Drop each spoon-sized each (4) , fry until get brown and well cooked

7.  Serve with Soy Sauce & WASABI or Soy Sauce & Lemon juice.


                                                      Enjoy!   *v*

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